Client Services is designed for HIV+ individuals and their affected family members to provide case management/care coordination, as well as direct and supportive services.
As part of its mission to provide a continuum of services to those infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, the following services are accessible:
- Medical
- Financial and legal support
- Filling material needs
- Referrals for individual, relationship, substance abuse, and spiritual counseling
- Housing opportunities
- Social support with the help of volunteers for housekeeping, shopping and transportation
- Support groups
In addition, Health Plus Indiana offers emergency financial assistance, rental assistance, and supportive housing programs to any HIV+ client based on need and income status.
Direct Client Service Programs
Non-Medical Case Management
Formerly Care Coordination, Health Plus Indiana’s Non-Medical Case Management (NMCM) services include initial intake, psychosocial and needs assessment with solution-oriented outcomes that are supported by our in-house programs and referrals.
Sources of Support: ISDH and the City of Elkhart
These programs include:
- Supportive housing programs and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) administered by Health Plus Indiana
- Ongoing assessment of the changing needs of the HIV community
- Education on risk behaviors in transmission/opportunistic infections
- Financial and legal assessment
- Individual guidance and support to clients, significant others, relatives and children
- Substance abuse care planning and appropriate referrals to treatment
- Budgeting assistance in cooperation with Bridges Out of Poverty & life skills classes
- Transportation
- Retention in Care Coordinators provide transportation to medical and social service appointments to clients
- Satellite services are available in our Elkhart and Austin offices as well as virtual.
- Bilingual case managers are on site to provide Spanish/English translation for all services
- Pharmacy on site
Insurance Specialist
Health Plus Indiana has an Insurance Specialist on site at all locations. The Insurance Specialist is available to all clients to assess and assist with insurance applications and issues. The Insurance Specialist does all enrollments and re-certifications for the medical services program through ISDH and all enrollments into PAP, Medicare and Medicaid. The Insurance Specialist can also help with choosing plans, assisting with billing issues, and private insurance as well.
Sources for Support: ISDH
Direct Emergency Financial Assistance
Direct Emergency Financial Assistance Program or DEFA provides emergency assistance to clients up to $500 a year. The client must present with a need and turn in supporting documentation. Assistance is given for rent, mortgage, utilities, security deposits, medical copays, insurance premiums, optical and dental.
Sources of Support: Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis, United Way, Broadway Cares, and ISDH
Food and Nutritional Program
Food, dietary information, vitamins, and nutritional supplements are made available to clients on a monthly basis. Clients are able to access the pantry once a month and medical tailored as well. Our food tower gardens are spread throughout community and offer fresh produce.
Sources of Support: United Way, Private Donors, Food Drives, Cook Foundation, and ISDH
Linkage to Care
Linkage to care provides intensive case management with clients that addresses the needs of HIV+ individuals and our prevention clients with substance abuse issues. The goal is to raise client knowledge about treatment and infection and decrease incidence of evictions, injuries, arrests, non-compliance with medication regimens, and homelessness.
Our L2C- SU a substance abuse support group that provides an outlet for clients in recovery as well as those who are using harm reduction therapy.
Our L2C –HIV finds clients who may have fallen out of care and brings them back into services.
Family Specialist
Our Family specialist is a case manager designed to work directly with our families of the clients we serve as well as the families of our clinic patients. The Family Specialist ensures that the nuclear unit has everything they need in order to help maintain self-sufficiency for the clients we serve and help to reduce family stress.
Sources of Support: United Way
Housing and Housing Support Programs
Health Plus Indiana currently operates three different housing programs. All programs are open to any client living with HIV based on need and income status.
Sources of Support: HOPWA, United Way, HUD, and City of South Bend.
- The Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) provides funds that allow us to operate our Transitional facility for the purpose of providing emergency shelter. ESG also offers monies for Rapid Rehousing.
- The Permanent Housing Program through the COC allows clients to remain in the housing program until they no longer qualify for the program.
- Housing Opportunities for People With AIDS (HOPWA) provides 3 types of assistance: STRMU, TBRA, and OPS. STRMU provides short term assistance for rent, mortgage and utilities. TBRA provides ongoing renal assistance for 2 years. OPS provides the operating costs for our housing units.
- ISDH housing is a transitional housing program that allows clients to receive assistance up to 6 months. Clients must have exhausted all other avenues of funding or not be eligible to qualify.