Free HIV, HEP C, & STD Testing
Free HIV, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia Testing Services are available to the public. No appointment is necessary, but they are available. Most recently, we have been able to offer testing appointments and HIV self-test kits through our online portal on our website. Clients can choose when and where they would like to be tested. HIV Rapid Testing is also available. It takes less than 1 minute to know your status!
Prevention Education
Equally important in our prevention efforts is our education program, which promotes activities in the areas of HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention, and social concerns. Prevention education is a service that is designed to educate people in a culturally sensitive manner to make healthy behavior choices. Educational presentations and workshops are made at local businesses, mental health agencies, civic organizations, and addiction treatment agencies.
Health Plus Indiana’s virtual PrEP Clinic is operated on Wednesdays. Our PrEP Coordinator follows the client through the entire process of PrEP ensuring that they have the upmost care. The PrEP Coordinator also makes sure to enroll the clients in insurance if they are uninsured. Currently, PrEP is free to everyone in order to prevent the spread of HIV.
Street Outreach and Harm Reduction
Our Street Outreach Program works directly with clients who are on the street. This harm reduction program focuses on sex workers, homeless, and the injection drug use populations. The goal of the program is to make contact with these populations and offer them the support they need as well as refer them to needed services. We also provide harm reduction kits and supplies. The Street Outreach team does park clean ups and needle collections as well.
HEP Connect
Through the HEP Connect program, clients are tested and linked to HEP C treatment. All participants in this program are given a case manager to assist them through this journey to getting to cure status. They are assisted with medical and social needs.